Nordica has thrown the book out the window with a design of boots this year with the Fire Arrow F4. Nordica's Dynamic Performance Code changes the way boots will be measured in the future. A stiffer boot does not always mean more performance. A shell design started with the lower cuff being taller, for more lateral precision, and an increased range of motion from side to side. Stiffness measures the amount of force needed to bend the boot forward. Progression represents the increase in stiffness as the boot is flexed forward from the neutral position to the deepest flex point. The bigger the progression, the stiffer the boot behaves through the forward flex allowing faster load transmission of the ski. Rebound measures the rate at which the boot returns the neutral upright position from the deepest flexing point. The higher the rate of rebound the faster the boot returns, enabling a quicker turn. A 45 degree instep retention buckle keeps your foot locked in without deforming the shape of the boot or your foot. The three piece shell design is easy to enter and exit. Most noticeably you will find that you are skiing easier and more efficient with the shell design of the Nordica Fire Arrow F4.